Published Books
Brenda Wong Aoki has been featured, lauded, and published in many books over the course of her career. Scroll through the titles below to get a sense of these works.
Pursuing Wild Bamboo: Portraits of Asian American Artists
Kearny Street Workshop Press
San Francisco, CA
Plays by Women of Color: An Anthology
Edited by Kathy A. Perkins and Roberta Uno
Best-Loved Stories Told at the National Storytelling Festival
National Storytelling Press
Jonesborough, TN
Full two-page spread featured in The Language of Literature (Grade 7) textbook.
The Language of Literature
Arthur N.Applebee
McDougal Littell
Evanston, IL
<< featured pages
Extreme Exposure: An Anthology of Solo Performance Texts from the Twentieth Century
Jo Bonney
Theatre Communications Group
New York, NY
Best-Loved Stories Told at the National Storytelling Festival, 20th Anniversary Edition
National Storytelling Press
Jonesborough, TN