“fantastic…so many layers…charming”
MU is the story of a lonely, ordinary boy from the Land Above who journeys to the Deep Blue Sea and learns from the Sea People that we are all connected. It is a story that teaches us that no one is really alone; each grain of sand is part of the beach, part of the earth, part of the universe.
True experiences of art can be a gestalt, a catalyst, a moment of epiphany. We, the founders of First Voice, know that if we continue our mission to create, perform, and pass on the music and stories of people living between worlds, there could be someone in our audience – a small child perhaps – who will be inspired to become the hero of their own story.
This year, 8 thousand people of all ages in California and Illinois experienced the magic of MU . If our art is able to reach and transform even just one life, it will have been worth every moment because even a single drop of rain creates concentric circles that go on and on.
“music, dance, and spoken word… a truly imaginative journey”
Jewish Community Center, San Francisco
California State Summer School for Arts
Cal Arts
California Presenters
Cal Artists Management
Gerbode Foundation
NEA Foundation
The commissioning and production of this world premiere is made possible by The Wallace Alexander Gerbode Foundation and The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation Composer Collaboration Awards 2010 initiative, Krannert Center for the Performing Arts, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, National Endowment for the Arts, Rhythmix Cultural Works and Union Bank.
Additional funding and support for MU provided by California State Summer School for the Arts, Dramatist Guild, Grants for the Arts, San Francisco Arts Commission, Zellerbach Family Fund and individual donors.